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Division of a line in n equal parts

Division of 90 mm line in 6 equal parts

Hello students, whenever we pick graphics drawings the most primary thing we need is to divide a line in n parts according to question. Line division is very basic part of Engineering drawings. We have studied division of lines in 10th standerd also. In this post we will learn to divide a 90 mm long line in 6 equal parts. So lets see how can we divide a line in equal parts.
Question: Divide a 90 mmlong line in 6 equal parts.
  1. Draw a 90 mm line and name it as AB.
  2. Draw an another line from point A. Make sure that the angle between the 2 lines must be less than 90 degree.
  3. Take a compass and mark 6 equal parts on the inclined line. Name those points 1', 2', 3',...,6'.
  4. Now draw a line B6' and with the the help of a roller scale draw the remaining 6 lines parallel to the line B6'.
  5. Mark the points on the line AB.
  6. Name those points 1, 2, 3,..., 6.
  7. Show the necessary dimensions.
  8. Hence, your problem is solved.

Practice questions on line divisions:

  1. Divide 153 mm line in 8 parts and name them in roman notation.
  2. Divide a 50 mm line such that every divided part will be of 10 mm.
  3. If you change angle of inclination them it will impact on division of lines or not? if answer is no then give proof.

Explore More Questions Here

In closing...

I hope you understand the question. You can divide any line in any number of parts simply apply the similar method. If you have any doubts then just let me know in the gmail! If you have any Chemistry related problem, see our latest blogs on it!