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Explain Factors affecting Ionization Energy

Ionization Energy

Hello students, I hope you may know the concept of Ionization energy. In 10th standerd we have leart about Ion and Different types of energies associated with it. Lets first talk about what is Ionization Energy?

The energy required to remove valence electron form an isolated state or neutral gaseous atom is reffered as Ionization Energy. The ionization energy associated with removal of the first (most loosely held) electron. Ionization is an endothermic process which means that, it is positive for neutral atoms. There are four major factors which affects on Ionization energy are as follows:

  • Atomic Size.
  • Nuclear Charge.
  • Screening Effect.
  • Type of electron removed.
Lets look towards how above factors affect ionization energy.

Atomic size

Atomic size is a distance between nucleus and the outermost shell of an atom. Atomic size depends upon atomic number. Ionization energy is inverselt proportional to atomic size. As atomic size increases nuclear charge on atom decreases which results lowering of ionization energy.

I. E ∝ 1/Atomic size.

Nuclear Charge

The effective nuclear charge is the actual amount of positive (nuclear) charge experienced by an electron in a multi-electron atom. As nuclear charge increases ionization energy also increases.

I. E ∝ Nuclear charge.

Screening Effect

The protection of outer electrons by inner electrons is called as screening effect. It also known as shielding effect. As screening effect increases nuclear charge decreases due to this Ionization Energy also decreases.

I. E ∝ 1/Screening effect.

Type of electron removed.

Ionization energy depends on type of electron removed. The order of Ionization energy for different valence electrons is

nS > nP > nD > nF

In closing...

This are 4 main factors which affects on ionization energy. Read our more blogs on chemistry HERE. If you have any doubt or query free to mail me at