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Engineering Graphics MCQs

Multiple choice questions of Engineering Graphics...

  1. The proportion by which we __ the size of an object is known as scale.
    1. Reduce.
    2. Enlarge.
    3. Reduce or Enlarge.
    4. Dont Change.
  2. The Map of a country is drawn with-
    1. Reduced scale
    2. Enlarged scale
    3. Full scale
    4. any of the above
  3. Following is an enlarged scale
    1. 1:1
    2. 1:2
    3. 1:3
    4. 2:1
  4. Following is a reduced scale
    1. 1:1
    2. 1:2
    3. 2:1
    4. 3:1
  5. Following is a full scale
    1. 1:1
    2. 1:2
    3. 2:1
    4. 3:1
  6. Extermely small sized components are drawn with
    1. Reduced scale
    2. Enlarged scale
    3. Full scale
    4. any of the above
  7. Representation fraction (RF) or Scale factor (SF) is
    1. Size of the element in the drawing / Size of the same element in the object
    2. Size of the same element in the object / Size of the element in the drawing
    3. Size of the element in the drawing X size of the same element in the object
    4. None of the above
  8. A line of 10mm length in drawing represents 1 metre length of the object, its RF is equal to
    1. 100
    2. 10
    3. 1/10
    4. 1/100
  9. Two interconnected units are shown by
    1. Plane scale
    2. Diagonal scale
    3. Vernier scale
    4. All of the above
  10. Following scale is used three interconnected units
    1. Diagonal scale
    2. Vernier scale
    3. Both (A) and (B)
    4. Plain scale
  11. Scales having same representative fraction but graduated to read different units are known as
    1. Simple scales
    2. Diagonal scales
    3. Vernier scales
    4. Comparative scales
  12. Which of the following scale is drawn in two different units
    1. Simple scale
    2. Diagonal scale
    3. Vernier scale
    4. Comparative scale
  13. ___ is used to read very small unit with great accuracy
    1. Simple scale
    2. Diagonal scale
    3. Vernier scale
    4. Comparative scale
  14. ___ is used to measure and set out angles without the use of protractor.
    1. Vernier scale
    2. Diagonal scale
    3. Scale of Chords
    4. Comparative scale
  15. Which of the following scales serves the purpose of diagonal scale?
    1. Plane scale
    2. Vernier scale
    3. Comparative scale
    4. Scale of Chords
  16. The sections cut by a plane on a right circular cone are called as ______.
    1. Parabolic sections
    2. Conic sections
    3. Elliptical sections
    4. Hyperbolic sections
  17. Which of the following is a conic section?
    1. Circle
    2. Square
    3. Pentagone
    4. Rectangle
  18. While cutting, if the plane is at an angle and it cuts all the generators, then the conic formed is called ______.
    1. Circle
    2. Ellipse
    3. Parabola
    4. Hyperbola
  19. If the plane cuts at an angle to the axis but does not cut all the generators then what is the name of the conics formed?
    1. Ellipse
    2. Hyperbola
    3. Circle
    4. Parabola
  20. When the plane cuts the cone at an angle parallel to the axis of the cone, then _____ is formed.
    1. Hyperbola
    2. Parabola
    3. Circle
    4. Ellipse
  21. Which of the following is not a conic section?
    1. Apex
    2. Hyperbola
    3. Ellipse
    4. Parabola
  22. The locus of a point moving in a plane such that the distance between a fixed point and a fixed straight line is constant is called ________.
    1. Conic
    2. Rectangle
    3. Square
    4. Polygon
  23. The ratio of the distance vertex from the focus to the distance vertex from the directrix is called eccentricity.
    1. True
    2. False
  24. Which of the following conics has an eccentricity of unity?
    1. Circle
    2. Parabola
    3. Hyperbola
    4. Ellipse
  25. Which of the following has an eccentricity less than one?
    1. Circle
    2. Parabola
    3. Hyperbola
    4. Ellipse
  26. If the value of eccentricity is 12, then what is the name of the conic?
    1. Circle
    2. Parabola
    3. Hyperbola
    4. Ellipse
  27. A plane is parallel to a base of regular cones and cuts in the middle. The cross-section is __________.
    1. Circle
    2. Parabola
    3. Hyperbola
    4. Ellipse
  28. The curve which has eccentricity zero is _______
    1. Circle
    2. Ellipse
    3. Parabola
    4. Hyperbola
  29. Rectangular hyperbola is one of the hyperbola but the asymptotes are perpendicular in case of a rectangular hyperbola.
    1. True
    2. False
  30. Which of the following is incorrect about Ellipse?
    1. Eccentricity is less than 1
    2. it has two vertex point
    3. If a plane is parallel to the axis of cone cuts the cone then the section gives an ellipse
    4. The sum of the distances from two focuses and any point on the ellipse is constant
  31. Which of the following is the eccentricity for an ellipse?
    1. 1
    2. 3/2
    3. 2/3
    4. 5/2
  32. In the general method of drawing an ellipse, a vertical line called ____ is drawn first.
    1. Tangent
    2. Normal
    3. Major axis
    4. Directrix
  33. In the general method of drawing an ellipse, after parting the line joining the directrix and the focus, a _____ is made.
    1. Tangent
    2. Vertex
    3. Perpendicular bisector
    4. Normal
  34. An ellipse is defined as a curve traced by a point that has the sum of distances between any two fixed points always the same in the same plane.
    1. True
    2. False
  35. An ellipse has ____ foci.
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  36. If information about the major and minor axes of ellipse is given then by how many methods can we draw the ellipse?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  37. In arcs of circles method, the foci are constructed by drawing arcs with the centre as one of the ends of the ____ axis and the radius equal to the half of the ____ axis.
    1. Major, Minor
    2. Minor, Minor
    3. Minor, Major
    4. Major, Major
  38. Loop of the thread method is the practical application of ______ method.
    1. Oblong method
    2. Trammel method
    3. Arcs of circles method
    4. Concentric method
  39. Which of the following constructions use parabolic curves?
    1. Cooling towers
    2. Water channels
    3. Light reflectors
    4. Man-holes
  40. Which of the following is not belonged to parabola?
    1. Latus rectum
    2. Directrix
    3. Major axix
    4. Axis

In closing...

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