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Showing posts from May, 2022

Pipes and Cistern

Concept of Pipes and Cistern Welcome students to my new blog in aptitude series. In this blog we are going to clear the concept of pipes and cistern. This topic is related to work and wages , I hope you can solve problems on it. Let's revise it. Lets revise.. There are two kind of pipes, inlet pipe and outlet pipe. Inlet pipe is the pipe that fills the tank or any reservoir and Outlet pipe is the pipe that empties the tank. Mathematically: If a pipe fills a tank in 'x' hours, then in one hour it will fill 1/x portion of tank. For e.g, if a pipe takes 4 hours to completely fill a tank of 12 liters, then in 1 hour it will fill 1/4 part of tank, means 3 liters of tank. Similarly, If a pipe empties a tank in 'x' hours, then in one hour it will empty 1/x portion of tank. For e.g, if a pipe takes 4 hours to completely empty a tank of 12 liters, then in 1 hour it will empty 1/4 part of tank, means 3 liters of tank. If we have inlet and outlet pipes both opene

Work and Wages

Concept Of Work and Wages Welcome students to my new blog in aptitude series. In this blog we are going to clear the concept of work and wages. Work and wages is the widely asked topic in every exam from past few years. Let's revise it. What is Work? Work is a certain set of tasks or activities to achieve result. We can write work in mathematics as: If any person complete his/her work in N days, then total amount of work done in 1 day is given by = 1/N. Similarly, if another person complete work in M days, then also total work done in 1 day is given by = 1/M. From above two situations we can conclude that those two persons complete (1/N + 1/M) amount of work in 1 day. In question if their is comparison of work and efficiency then use formula: M1*D1*H1*E1 / W1 = M2*D2*H2*E2 / W2 Where, M = Number of workers D = Number of days H = Number of working hours in a day E = Efficiency of workers W = Units of work Work done is directly proportional to the time and efficien


What is LCM and HCF ? Hello students, welcome to my next article on Aptitude series. In this article we are going to learn about how to find LCM and HCF of any two numbers with simple trick. Lets firstly know about what is LCM and HCF. LCM The full form of LCM is Lowest Common Multiple or Lowest Common Divisor. LCM is the value which is divisible by the two given numbers. LCM is the method to find smallest common multiple between given two or more numbers. How find LCM? When we multiply any two numbers then we get value known as Multiple. For e.g, 4 is multiple of 2. LCM is calculated by simple formula. Let a & b two integers. Then formula is: LCM (a,b) = (a x b)/GCD (a,b) In case of fractional numbers the LCM is calculated by formula: LCM (a / b) = LCM (a) / LCM (b). LCM by Prime Factorisation Method Prime factorial method is a very simple method to find LCM of any two or more numbers. Suppose there are three numbers 18, 12, 24. Lets write prime factors of all this numbers ind

How to draw Hyperbola?

Hyperbola Hello students, in this blog we are going to learn how to draw hyperbola in very easy step. According to google, Hyperbola is a symmetrical open curve formed by the intersection of a circular cone with a plane at a smaller angle with its axis than the side of the cone. Lets see how can we draw it. Question: Point F is 50 mm from a line AB. a point P is moving in a plane such that the ratio of it's distances from F and line AB remains constant and equal to 2/3. draw locus of point P. { ECCENTRICITY = 2/3 }. Solution: Procedure: Draw a vertical line AB and point F 50 mm from it. Divide 50 mm distance in 5 parts. Name 2nd part from F as V. It is 20mm and 30mm from F and AB line respectively. It is first point giving ratio of it’s distances from F and AB 2/3 (i.e 20/30) Form more points giving same ratio such as 30/45, 40/60, 50/75 etc. Taking 45,60 and 75mm distances from line AB, draw three vertical lines to the right side of it. Now with 30, 40 an


Types of Numbers Hello students, welcome to my new series of Aptitude , in this blog we are going to learn about numbers. Numbers is the very basic thing in Aptitude learning. Numbers starts from Zero "0". Zero was firstly invented by Aryabhata. Lets learn more about numbers. Types of numbers.. Integers: All the numbers whose fractional part is zero are known as Integers. For e.g. -6, -4, 0, 1, 99, 1000, etc. Natural Numbers: All the numbers whose fractional part is zero and also they are greater than zero are termed as natural numbers. For e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4,..., upto n. Whole Numbers: All the numbers whose fractional part is zero, including zero are termed as natural numbers. For e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,..., upto n. Prime Numbers: All the numbers having only two factors, the number itself and 1, are termed as prime numbers. For e.g. 2, 3, 19, 7, etc. 1 is not prime, nor composite number. 2 is the smallest even prime number. There are total 25 prime numbers upto 100.

Explain Factors affecting Ionization Energy

Ionization Energy Hello students, I hope you may know the concept of Ionization energy. In 10th standerd we have leart about Ion and Different types of energies associated with it. Lets first talk about what is Ionization Energy? The energy required to remove valence electron form an isolated state or neutral gaseous atom is reffered as Ionization Energy. The ionization energy associated with removal of the first (most loosely held) electron. Ionization is an endothermic process which means that, it is positive for neutral atoms. There are four major factors which affects on Ionization energy are as follows: Atomic Size. Nuclear Charge. Screening Effect. Type of electron removed. Lets look towards how above factors affect ionization energy. Atomic size Atomic size is a distance between nucleus and the outermost shell of an atom. Atomic size depends upon atomic number. Ionization energy is inverselt proportional to atomic size. As atomic size increases nuclear charge

How to find Effective Nuclear Charge (ENC)?

Effective Nuclear Charge According to Wikipedia , In atomic physics, the effective nuclear charge is the actual amount of positive (nuclear) charge experienced by an electron in a multi-electron atom. The symbol of effective nuclear charge is Zeff or Z*. ENC is the net positive charge experienced by an electron in a multi-electron atom. The effective nuclear charge on an atom is given by equation- Zeff = Z – S Where, Z = The number of protons in the nucleus (atomic number). S = The number of electrons between the nucleus and the electron in question (the number of nonvalence electrons). Question: Consider a neutral neon atom (Ne), a sodium cation (Na+), and a fluorine anion (F–). What is the effective nuclear charge for each? Solution: Start by figuring out the number of nonvalence electrons, which can be determined from the electron configuration. Ne has 10 electrons. The electron configuration is 1s22s2 2p6. The valence shell is shell 2 and contains 8 valence electrons

How to draw Tangent & Normal to an Epicycloid?

Normal & Tangent to Epicycloid According to Wikipedia , In geometry, an epicycloid is a plane curve produced by tracing the path of a chosen point on the circumference of a circle—called an epicycle—which rolls without slipping around a fixed circle. Question: A circle of 50 mm diameter rolls on the circumference of another circle of 180 mm diameter and outside it. Trace the locus of a point on the circumference of the rolling circle, for one complete revolution. Name the curve formed. Draw a tangent to the curve at a point on it 125 mm from the center of the directing circle. Solution: Procedure: Draw an Epicycloid according to the given data. (Don't know how to draw an epicycloid? To learn, kindly follow the given link: How to draw an Epicycloid?). On epicycloid take a point Q. Draw an arc of 25 mm on the arc passing through the center of the circle from point Q. From that point, draw a straight line to the center of the circle of having 90 mm radius (180

Configurations of Ethane Molecule

Ethane C2H6 Hello students, welcome to my new blog on Stereo Chemistry , in this blog we will see about Ethane molecule and its configurations. Ethane molecule's chemical formula is C2H6. There is one sigma bond present between 2 carbon atoms and equal number of Hydrogen atoms attached to them. Ethane molecule generally shows 3 types of configurations: Saw-Horse formula Line-Wedge formula Newmann's projection formula Saw-Horse Formula In saw horse formula both carbons are placed diagonally. All bonds in molecule are shown by solid stick. The bond angle between 2 Hydrogen atoms of same carbon is 120degree. In saw horse formula 2 conformations are possible: Eclipsed Configuration. Staggered Configuration. In above diagram the left structure is eclipsed configuration and right hand side configuration is staggered. Here point to be noted is that, Staggered configuration is more stable than eclipsed configuration due to less steric hinderance. Now move towards

Engineering Graphics MCQs

Multiple choice questions of Engineering Graphics... The proportion by which we __ the size of an object is known as scale. Reduce. Enlarge. Reduce or Enlarge. Dont Change. The Map of a country is drawn with- Reduced scale Enlarged scale Full scale any of the above Following is an enlarged scale 1:1 1:2 1:3 2:1 Following is a reduced scale 1:1 1:2 2:1 3:1 Following is a full scale 1:1 1:2 2:1 3:1 Extermely small sized components are drawn with Reduced scale Enlarged scale Full scale any of the above Representation fraction (RF) or Scale factor (SF) is Size of the element in the drawing / Size of the same element in the object Size of the same element in the object / Size of the element in the drawing Si

How to draw a pentagon of side 40mm?

Construction of Pentagon In geometry, a pentagon (from the Greek πέντε pente meaning five and γωνία gonia meaning angle) is any five-sided polygon or 5-gon. The sum of the internal angles in a simple pentagon is 540°. A pentagon may be simple or self-intersecting. Question: Draw a regular pentagon with one side = 40mm (Using universal circle method). Solution: Procedure: Draw a horizontal line of 40mm and name it AB. Draw a vertical line of 40mm from point B and name it BR. Connect the points A and R. Take a compass with the radius of 40mm an draw an arc from point A to R, taking the center as point B. Now draw the perpendicular bisector of the side AB. At which point the perpendicular bisector and line AR intersects, name that point 4 and where the perpendicular bisector and the arc AR intersects, name that point 6. At the mid point of line 46, name that point 5 as shown in the solution. Draw a circle of radius A5 using a compass, taking center as point

How to bisect an angle of 63 degree with compass?

Bisection of an angle Bisection of an angle is a very basic and important thing in engineering drawing and math. There are so many ways to bisect an angle, but in this post we will discuss about the method for bisecting an angle with help of a compass. Question: Bisect an angle of 63 degree. Solution: Procedure: Draw an angle of 63 degree with the help of a protractor. Name the angle as QOP. Take a compass with any random radius (Make sure that the radius must be less than the length of the lines OQ and OP.) and draw two arcs from the point O on the lines OQ and OP as shown in the figure. From those two arcs with the same radius, draw two arcs somewhere in the middle of the angle. On which point those two arcs intersects, draw a line OR as shown in the image. This OR line will be the bisecting line of the angle of 63 degree and the angle ROP will be of 31.5 degree. Practice questions on angle bisection: Bisect angle of 50 degree. Bisect angle of 90 degree

Division of a line in n equal parts

Division of 90 mm line in 6 equal parts Hello students, whenever we pick graphics drawings the most primary thing we need is to divide a line in n parts according to question. Line division is very basic part of Engineering drawings. We have studied division of lines in 10th standerd also. In this post we will learn to divide a 90 mm long line in 6 equal parts. So lets see how can we divide a line in equal parts. Question: Divide a 90 mmlong line in 6 equal parts. Solution: Procedure: Draw a 90 mm line and name it as AB. Draw an another line from point A. Make sure that the angle between the 2 lines must be less than 90 degree. Take a compass and mark 6 equal parts on the inclined line. Name those points 1', 2', 3',...,6'. Now draw a line B6' and with the the help of a roller scale draw the remaining 6 lines parallel to the line B6'. Mark the points on the line AB. Name those points 1, 2, 3,..., 6. Show the necessary dimensions. H

Stereo Chemistry

What is Stereo Chemistry ? The branch of chemistry concerned with the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms and molecules and the effect of this on chemical reactions. What is Isomerism and its types? The compounds having same molecular formula but different physical & chemical properties and also different structure called as isomers. This phenomenon is called as Isomerism. Chain isomerism These isomers have same molecular formula but different carbon chain length. e.g, CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 {n-Butane} & CH3-CH(CH3)-CH3 {iso-Butane}. Position isomerism The compounds having same molecular formula, same carbon chain length but different position occupied by particular atom or group, this structures are called as position isomers. e.g, CH3-CH2-CH2-Br & CH3-CH(Br)-CH3, in this structures position occupied bt Br group is different at positionn1 and 2 respectively. Functional isomerism The compounds having same molecular formula but different functional group attached are known

Types Of Lines In Engineering Drawing And Their Uses

Lines plays very important role in engineering graphics. Each type of line has its own meaning and value in engineering drawing. Majorly, there are total 8 types of lines used in engineering drawing: Continuous thick Continuous thin Dashed medium thick Chain thin Continuous Thin Freehand Line Continuous thin zig-zags Following are uses and description of this Lines: Continuous thick This line type is used for visible outlines, general details, existing buildings and landscaping in site plans. Continuous thin The continuous thin line is the most frequently used line type on Engineering Drawings. These lines are solid and has no break in them. Here is the list of cases where the continuous thin line will be used: Imaginary lines of intersection Dimension lines Projection lines Hatching Short centre lines Bending Dashed medium thick The Dashed Line is used to indicate hidden details like hidden outlines and hidden edges. The dashed line m